Franne & Bob Demetrician
We are an Interfaith-Interspiritual couple who have shared our rich backgrounds with each other and have chosen to blend that richness into our life together. Rev. Franne was born into the Jewish tradition and Rev. Bob was born into the Christian tradition. We have both been on a steady path of exploring and embracing the world’s religious and cultural traditions in order to enrich our own lives and the lives of others.
About Us
We celebrate the beauty, joy, and oneness of all of the world’s faith and spiritual traditions.
As an interfaith-interspiritual couple, we are deeply committed to bringing the richness of our unique relationship and spirituality to our client’s experience. We work as a team because of who we are as a couple.

We have served for many years as Deans of first-year students at One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. In 2003 we founded “Common Ground Interfaith-Interspiritual Community,” a monthly living room ministry. Common Ground is an “emerging community of the Council of Interfaith Communities of the USA (www.cic-usa.org).
Our Experience
We are ordained as Interfaith Ministers by the One Spirit Interfaith Seminary of New York and took co-ordination as Interfaith-Interspiritual Ministers through the worldwide Order of Universal Interfaith (OUnI). We are both members of the Community of The Mystic Heart in the tradition of Br. Dr. Wayne Teasdale. (www.ouni.org and www.communityofthemysticheart.org).